



package algebra

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AffineCombination[M[_], R] extends AnyRef

    Another attempt at a better thing, here...

    Another attempt at a better thing, here... but I don't know if this solves my problem of needing to compose up the stack,

  2. trait Decompose[M[_], R] extends Serializable
  3. trait Expectation[M[_]] extends AnyRef

    This definitely works, but I need to think through how we're going to be able to return things like Futures, that have to communicate over the network.

    This definitely works, but I need to think through how we're going to be able to return things like Futures, that have to communicate over the network. Does the value return type cover it?

    NOTE the implementation is responsible for normalizing.

  4. trait ExpectationImplicits extends AnyRef
  5. trait Module[R, G] extends Serializable
  6. trait ToDouble[A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that encodes how some type A can be converted into a Double instance.

  7. final case class Weight(w: Double) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    Value class that represents some Double-valued weight that can be applied to a type.

Value Members

  1. object AffineCombination
  2. object Decompose extends Serializable
  3. object Expectation extends ExpectationImplicits
  4. object Module extends Serializable

    This class represents a module.

    This class represents a module. For the required properties see:

  5. object ToDouble extends Serializable
  6. object Weight extends Serializable
